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Fearless Voice Network Launches Artist Program with Jamie Lynn Goldenberg

Jamie Lynn Goldenberg has been selected as the first artist to be featured in the Fearless Voice Boutique, an online retail outlet that re-imagines how online stores can connect people based on common ideals, provide financial opportunities during a challenging economic time, raise awareness of issues, and showcase the talent and heart of artists and innovators worldwide. Goldenberg’s collection will focus on her current series of paintings depicting powerful, particularly liberal, women.

“My portrait of Vice President Kamala Harris recently went viral on the Facebook group Pantsuit Nation” said Goldenberg. “Starting with that portrait in the Fearless Voice Boutique just made sense.”

Shawna Vercher, Fearless Voice Network Executive Producer added, “There are so many ways to be fearless. We’re proud to highlight the voices of artists on the network.”

The Fearless Voice Artist Program was developed to lift up artists of all mediums that want to share their unique voice about social justice issues. Each artist will choose either Voter Engagement, Health & Wellness, or Cannabis Advocacy and a portion of the proceeds from their artwork will be donated to the cause.

Goldenberg’s Fearless Voice Network merchandise will help support Democracy Legacy, a PAC that seeks to inform Americans about key issues impacting voting access, to educate people about our Government, and to inspire citizens to participate in our Democracy in a meaningful and effective manner

As a professor of psychology, Dr. Jamie Goldenberg has spent her career studying the psychological experiences associated with being a woman. After dedicating many years to writing for an academic audience, she has begun exploring new mediums to communicate her work to a broader audience.  In the last ten years, she wrote a novel (Finding Jolie) and has been exploring similar themes related to women’s lived experiences in her artwork, which has been exhibited at various galleries and stores in the Tampa Bay area. 

Fearless Voice Network leverages video, written, and online media content to engage and educate their audience on some of the issues surrounding legalization including social justice and business topics. This summer the platform, as a channel of the Fearless Voice Network, will add an OTT streaming channel to its lineup.

The launch of Reine Media, producer of the Fearless Voice Network, was announced in April of 2020 and received media attention immediately. Their content has been syndicated or translated in over forty countries and has reached a global audience of over 18 million.

To learn more, or purchase Goldenberg’s work, visit